Double degree

Double degree between the “Master in Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies” - University of Padova (Italy) and the “Master in Biotechnology” - Management Center Innsbruck (Austria).

 Academic Coordinator: Prof.ssa Barbara Gatto (email:

 Administrative Secretariat: Dr.ssa Claudia Veronese (email:

 Academic Board: Prof.ssa Patrizia Polverino de Laureto, Prof. Andrea Sartorel, Prof.ssa Barbara Gatto, Dr.ssa Claudia Veronese


The Curriculum “International Biopharma” aims at awarding the double degree (DD): “Master in Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies” from the University of Padova and “Master in Biotechnology” from the Management Center Innsbruck - MCI (Austria) to the selected students.

Students already enrolled in the first Year of the MSc Degree (Laurea Magistrale) Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies of the University of Padova can participate in the selection.

 Students selected for this curriculum will spend the second year at the partner University. They will be granted the double degree if in this period they will acquire 60 ECTS including the experimental Master Thesis, and complete the 120 ECTS required to obtain the title of Master Degree.

A maximum of three students can be enrolled each academic year. In order to be selected, the candidates must formally apply to the selection for this curriculum.

Details and requirements to submit the application and to participate to the ensuing selection can be found in the “CALL FOR ADMISSION TO DOUBLE DEGREE INTERNATIONAL BIOPHARMA” published every academic year, and downloadable from the section SHORT TO DO LIST for Outgoing Students.

Further details on the agreements terms and the rules to be eligible for the double degree can be found in the AGREEMENT.

The deadline for application for the Call 2025/2026 is March, 14, 2025.

Interviews will take place approximately at the beginning of April 2025 (dates will be communicated directly to students via institutional email)



  Outgoing students

Selection: instructions about application can be found in the “CALL FOR ADMISSION TO DOUBLE DEGREE INTERNATIONAL BIOPHARMA” published every year.
Mandatory documents that the Applicant must deliver to the Students Office/Administrative Secretariat (indicated in the call) are: 

  1. application form filled in all its part (see Appendix 2 to the Call for Admission);
  2. bachelor certificate with marks (if you’ve graduated in Padova, you can find it in your Uniweb profile);
  3. etter of motivation, dated and signed. 

Admission: if you are selected for the Double Degree, you should ask the Projects and Mobility office - Mobility sector of the University of Padova ( for all the necessary procedures and documents. 

At the end of the mobility period and after your graduation in Innsbruck, in order to close your career also in Padova, the Administrative Secretariat needs the following information: 

  1. self-certification of the exams dates in Innsbruck (the form is downloadable from this page);
  2. graduation date;
  3. copy of the Master Thesis in PDF/A;
  4. names of the Master Thesis supervisors;
  5. receipt of the AlmaLaurea survey (you can find the access link in your Uniweb profile).