Seminari DSF 2022
"New proteomic tools to model proteome relationships" - Dr Federico Uliana, Ph.D. Institute of Biochemistry ETH Zurich
Thursday 22nd December 2022, 2:00 PM - Aula 2– Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - via F. Marzolo, 5 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Vincenzo De Filippis -
"Nanobodies: Next antibody generation for research, diagnostic and therapeutic applications" - Prof Mireille Dumoulin, NEPTUNS, Nanobodies to Explore Protein Structure and Functions, Centre for Protein Engineering, InBIOS, University of Liège, Belgium
Tuesday 29th November 2022, 2:30 PM - Aula Zancan – Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - Largo Meneghetti, 2 Padova
Chairwoman: Prof.ssa Patrizia Polverino de Laureto -
"Understanding the role of the Kynurenine pathway in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)" - Prof. Bahar Kavyani (HDR), Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia)
Tuesday 27th September 2022, 10:00 AM – Aula C - Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences Largo Meneghetti, 2 Padova
Chairman: Dr Stefano Comai -
"Linking DNA replication fork dynamics with chemotherapy response in breast cancer" - Prof. Alessandro Vindigni, Professor of Medicine, Pathology and Immunology - Washington University, School of Medicine
Monday 5th September 2022, 11:00 AM - Aula 1 - Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Chairwomen: Dr Laura Acquasaliente - - Prof. Patrizia Polverino de Laureto -
"Natural phenolic compounds as a possible treatment for metabolic diseases" - Pharm Dr. Jakub Treml, Vice-dean for External Relations, Strategy and Development, Faculty of Pharmacy Masaryk University - Czech Republic
Tuesday 30 August 2022, 2:30– 3:30 PM - Aula Meneghetti - Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - Largo Meneghetti, 2 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Stefano Dall'Acqua -
"Deciphering chemotherapy resistance in medulloblastoma: a multi-omic approach for the identification of new therapeutic strategies" - Dr Roberta Bortolozzi, Department of Women's and Child's health, Oncohematology laboratory, University of Padova
Friday 24th June 2022, 2:00 PM - Aula Meneghetti - Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - Largo Meneghetti, 2 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Girolamo Calò -
"RNA Binding Proteins: regulation of function and role in neurodegenerative disorders" - Prof. Yuna Ayala, Ph.D. Vice Chair Doisy Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Saint Louis University
June 1st, 3rd and 6th 2022. 04:00-06.30 PM - Link zoom:
Chairwomen: Dr Laura Acquasaliente - - Prof. Patrizia Polverino de Laureto -
"Endosomal signaling of the gastrin releasing peptide receptor and itch” - Prof. Dane Jensen, Professor of Molecular Pathobiology, Bluestone Center for Clinical Research, New York University
Friday 27th May 2022, 2:00 PM - Aula Zancan - Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - Largo Meneghetti, 2 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Girolamo Calò -
"Structure elucidation of artificial, self-assembling squalene-conjugates and β-peptides" - Prof. Dóra Bogdán, Semmelweis University, Department of Organic Chemistry - Budapest
Wednesday 18th May 2022, 3:30 PM - Aula 2 -Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - via Marzolo, 5 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Gianfranco Pasut -
"Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ the vasculature and sepsis” - Prof. Dave Lambert, Professor of Anaesthetic Pharmacology, University of Leicester - United Kingdom
Friday 13rd May 2022, 2:00 PM - Aula Zancan – Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - Largo Meneghetti, 2 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Girolamo Calò -
"The Neuropeptide S receptor: a pharmacological target for the development of innovative anxiolytic drugs” - Prof. Chiara Ruzza - Department of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation University of Ferrara
Friday 22nd April 2022, 2:00 PM - Aula 2– Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - via F. Marzolo, 5 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Girolamo Calò -
"Biostatistics in bio-medical research: challenges and perspectives” - Prof. Dario Gregori, MA, PhD, FACN, FTOS Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health, DCTVPH, University of Padova
Friday 1st April 2022, 2:00 PM - Aula 7– Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - via F. Marzolo, 5
Chairman: Prof. Vincenzo De Filippis –
"Bacterial sabotage drives castration resistant prostate cancer” - Prof. Andrea Alimonti - Head of Molecular Oncology at the Institute of Oncology Research - Università della Svizzera italiana
Friday 25th March 2022, 3:00 PM - Aula Zancan– Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - Largo Meneghetti, 2 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Girolamo Calò -
"TRPA1 in headache and migraine” - Dr Silvia Benemei - University of Florence - Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Friday 11th March 2022, 2:00 PM - Aula Zancan– Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences - Largo Meneghetti, 2 Padova
Chairman: Prof. Girolamo Calò -