Seminari / Workshop 2024
SEMINAR: UV-Induced DNA Damage Response, Epigenetic Abnormalities and Skin Cancer
Dr. Masaoki Kawasumi - MD - PhD
Department of Dermatology - University of Washington Medicine at South Lake Union
Associate Editor, Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine
American Society of Photobiology Secretary-elect
Friday 31st May, 11:00 AM - c/o Mock-Pharmacy (Edificio B - Via Marzolo, 5 - Padova)
ZOOM link:
Chairwoman: Prof.ssa Giorgia Miolo
Opportunità occupazionali per i laureati di Scienze del Farmaco
15 aprile 2024, ore 14.30
Aula Meneghetti - Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco
L.go Meneghetti, 2 - Padova
Relatori - Moderatori
Dott. Giorgio Bruno - Presidente AFI Associazione Farmaceutici Industria
Prof. dott. Roberto A. de Luca - Delegato AFI per Veneto e Trentino A. A.
Prof. Nicola Realdon - Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco
14.30 - Apertura del XXIV seminario
15.00 - Interventi delle seguenti aziende
- Stevanato Group
- Palladio group
- Essers
- Merieux - Chelab
- Labomar
- Kalis
16.45 - Discussione
17.15 - Conclusioni e chiusura
SHORT COURSE: Structural Investigations of Proteins by Single-Molecule Biophysics
Nicola Pozzi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Secondary Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Doisy Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Saint Louis University (MO, USA)
Chairwomen: Prof. Acquasaliente and Prof. Polverino de Laureto
Registration via Moodle: (PSWD: proteins)
Day 1: 18th March 2024, Aula 2, Building A, 14.30-17.30 - An introduction to theoretical knowledge
Day 2: 19th March 2024, Aula 2, Building A, 14.30-17.30 - Example of application of single-molecule biophysics
Day 3: 20th March 2024, Aula Zancan, Building C, 09.30-11.30 - Round Table and Evaluation Tes
Project financed by "Shaping a World-class University" grant - 2023
WORKSHOP: Wave Delta: The Wave of the future in kineticsKinetics in hours instead of days
Mercoledì 6 Marzo, ore 10:00
presso Aula Ex-Biblioteca - Primo piano - Edificio A (Via Marzolo, 5 - Padova)
Per info: Prof. Mattia Sturlese
SEMINAR: IBDs - future therapeutic perspectives
Prof. Luca Antonioli, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa
Thursday 25th January, 2:30– 3:30 PM - c/o Aula Meneghetti (Largo Meneghetti, 2 - Padova)
Chairwoman: Prof.ssa Maria Cecilia Giron
SEMINAR: Thrombin stories in the Gut
Prof.ssa Nathalie Vergnolle, Institut de Recherche en Santé Digestive, Université Toulouse Paul SABATIER
Thursday 25th January, 3:30– 4:30 PM - c/o Aula Meneghetti (Largo Meneghetti, 2 - Padova)
Chairwoman: Prof.ssa Maria Cecilia Giron