Rocchina Colucci
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova Position: Associate Professor of Pharmacology (SSD BIO/14) Contacts |
Short CV
1993: Degree in Pharmacy, University of Pisa
1994-1998: PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Turin
1997-1998: Research Fellow at Gastrointestinal Unit, Dept. of Medicine, MGH, Harvard Medical School, University of Harvard, Boston, MA, USA
1998-1999: Post-Doc at Gastrointestinal Unit, Dept. of Medicine, MGH, Harvard Medical School, University of Harvard, Boston, MA, USA
1999-2003: Contract Researcher, Division of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pisa
2004-2015: Researcher, Division of Pharmacology, Dept. Clinical and Experimental Medicine (previously Dept. Internal Medicine), Faculty of Medicine, University of Pisa
2015-present: Associate Professor of Pharmacology (SSD BIO/14), Dept. Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova
2016- present: Member of the Teachers Board of the PhD School in Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova
2017-2019: Vice-Chairman of the Teachers Board of of the PhD School in Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova
2016-2019: Member elected of the Commission for Resources and Development, Dept. of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova
2016-present: Erasmus supervisor for outgoing and incoming teachers and students mobility between University of Padua and University of Greenwich, London , UK
1997-1999 (2 years): Gastrointestinal Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (Supervisor: Prof. Timothy Wang)
2017-Member of the Editorial Board Gastroenterology Made Easy
Referee for international journal: Acta Histochemica, Biochimica Biophysica Acta, Biochemical Pharmacology, BMC Pharmacology, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, Experimental Neurology, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, PLOS One, Scientific Reports, Tissue & Cell
1994-present Societá Italiana di Farmacologia (SIF)
1998-present American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)
Office hours
Office hours by appointment only, to be arranged by phone or by email
Availability for Thesis Projects
- Research project thesis: argument to be established on a case-by case basis; student are requested to carry on an experimental work on project currently ongoing in lab, including animal manipulation, surgery and/or pharmacological treatment or cell culture based work
- Literature review based dissertation: student are requested to review the scientific literature regarding a specific matter of interest (drug compound, class of drugs, efficacy/tolerability in a particular disease, etc…)
Scientific Activities
Major research interest: pharmacology of gastrointestinal system
- Role of brain-gut interaztion in digestive and neurodegenrative diseases
- Obesity and gastrointestinal/cardiovascular functions in animal models in vivo
- Role of gastroprotective durgs in animal model of enteropthy
- Pharmacological modulation of enteric neurotransmission and motility under normal conditions, in presence of inflammatory processes (adenosine and cyclooxygenase pathways) or CNS disease (Parkinson’s disease)
- Pharmacogenetics of serotonin transporter in IBS patients and TPMT in
- Role of gastrin, somatostatin and cyclooxygenases in the control of proliferation of human colon cancer cells
- Pharmacology and fisiopathology of experimental peptic ulcer and protective mechanisms in gastric mucosa
- Role of drugs in protective actions in experimental models of enteropathy
- Pharmacological modulation of cyclooxygenases in resistance arteries in experimental models of hypertension
Membership of Scientific Societies:
- Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF)
- American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)
Scientific Reviewer Activity:
- Biochemical Pharmacology
- Molecular Pharmacology
- Biochimica Biophysica Acta
- Current Pharmaceutical Design
- BMC Pharmacology
- Pharmacology Research and Perspectives
- PlosOne
- Tissue&Cell
- Frontiers in Pharmacology
- Scientific Reports
- CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics
- Experimental Neurology
Technical expertise
- Experimental models of intestinal inflammation
- Experimental models of neurodegeneration
- Experimental models for the evaluation in vivo and in vitro of intestinal neuromotor functions
- Experimental models for the in vivo evaluations of gastric secretive and motor functions
- Experimental models of gastric ulcer, FANS-induced enteropathy
- Measurement of Inflammatory mediators in tissues and blood
- Cell culture of gastric and intestinal tumoral cell lines
- Molecular biology techniques for DNA, RNA and proteins analysis
- Development and diagnostic application of pharmacogenetics for personalization of pharmacological treatments in diseases:
- analysis of thiopurine methiltransferasi (TPMT) gene polymorphisms in patients treated with 6-mercaptopurine or azathioprine
- analysis of beta-1 adrenergic receptor gene, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphisms in patients treated with beta-blockers therapy or with drugs active on renin-angiotensin system
- pharmacogenetics of serotonin transporter gene (SERT) polymorphisms in patients with chronic functional pathologies in gastrointestinal tract
Positions available
- Research project thesis: argument to be established on a case-by case basis; student are requested to carry on an experimental work on project currently ongoing in lab, including animal manipulation, surgery and/or pharmacological treatment or cell culture based work
- Literature review based dissertation: student are requested to review the scientific literature regarding a specific matter of interest (drug compound, class of drugs, efficacy/tolerability in a particular disease, etc…)
Complete list of publications
Rocchina Colucci is author of 119 full papers published in peer reviewed journals; 6 book chapters, more than 130 abstract for national and international congresses
Rocchina Colucci in Padua Research Archive IRIS (Institutional Research Information System)
Research projects and Funds
PRID 2017.Exploring the neuroimmune crosstalk ininflammatory bowel disease. University of Padova, 24 months, P
PRID 2016.Maternal obesity and high-fat diet in childhood; study of the molecular mechanisms underlying gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disorders. University of Padova, 24 months, PI
PRIN 2009.Pharmacological and molecular characterization of regulation system of neuromuscular functions in gastrointestinal tract in experimental Parkinson. University of Pisa, 24 months, P
PRIN 2007.Inhibitors of serotonin transporter in irritable bowel syndrome: pharmacogenetic analysis - University of Pisa, 24 months.
PRIN 2003.Drugs active on adenosine and prostanoids system and regulation of digestive motility in presence of intestinal inflammation - University of Pisa, 24 months, P
PRIN 2003.Molecular determinants of chemiosensitivity to fluorpyrimidine and camptotecyns - University of Pisa, 24 months, P
PRIN 2002.Cyclooxygenases inhibitors and regulation of enteric neuromuscular functions in intestinal inflammation - University of Pisa, 24 months, P
PRIN 1999.Pharmacological study on the role of adrenergic receptors alfa-2 in neuromuscular plasticity in gastroenteric system - University of Pisa, 24 months, P