Eugenio Ragazzi
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova
Short CV
Born in 1957 in Padova (Italy)
1982: Degree summa cum laude in Medicine, University of Padova (Supervisor: Prof. Cesare Scandellari)
1983-1985: Specialty Diploma in Endocrinology, University of Padova (Supervisor: Prof. Cesare Scandellari)
1986-1990: Specialty Diploma in Clinical Pharmacology, University of Padova (Supervisors: Prof. Tito Berti, Prof. Giuliana Fassina)
1989-1990: Research fellow at University of Florida, Gainesville (FL, U.S.A.), Laboratory of Cardiovascular Research (Director: Prof. Luiz Belardinelli)
1990-1992: Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Padova
1992-present: Associate Professor of Pharmacology (SSD: BIO/14)
Scientific Activities
He has been mainly involved in the study in vitro of molecular mechanisms in the pharmacology of cardiovascular and urological systems, and in the in vitro investigation of antitumour drugs. He is interested also in the study of pharmacological activity of compounds of natural origin. A more recent topic of interest is the search of neoplastic and dysmetabolic markers of disease by using multivariate techniques of data analysis (data mining), with the aim of identifying new therapeutic targets for a more specific and personalized pharmacological therapy.
From 2003 to 2012 he has been member of the Scientific Committee of Padova Botanical Garden (included in the UNESCO World Heritage List). In July 2013, till December 2015, he has been appointed president of the Libraries of the Scientific area of University of Padova. Since October 2013 to present he has been president of the teaching board for Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (Herbal Sciences) degree at the University of Padova, and member of the management committee for Hospital Pharmacy Specialty School at the same University. Since January 2016 he has been member of the Regional Technical Committee on Drug Evaluation, Regione Veneto (Italy).
He has been reviewer of research projects for Alzheimer Association, American Heart Association and Philip Morris Grant Program for University Research. He has been reviewer of international Journals such as British Journal of Nutrition, Inflammation Research, Cancer Treatment Reviews, British Journal of Pharmacology, Neurotoxicity Research, Clinical Endocrinology, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, Biochemical Pharmacology, Amino Acids, Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine.
Technical expertise
- Multivariate analysis and Fractal analysis of complex matrices of data
- Biostatistics tools and resources
- Cell cultures: primary endothelial, myoblast and fibroblast, and cancer cell lines. Stabilization, cybridation process and cellular transfection (in collaboration with Dr. Monica Montopoli)
- Molecular biology methods (in collaboration with Dr. Monica Montopoli)
- Daniela Catanzaro, Edoardo Gaude, Genny Orso, Carla Giordano, Giulia Guzzo, Andrea Rasola, Eugenio Ragazzi, Laura Caparrotta, Christian Frezza, Monica Montopoli (2015) Inhibition of Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase sensitizes cisplatin-resistant cells to death. Oncotarget 6(30):30102-14. Impact Factor: 6.359; Quartile in Category: Q1
- Luciana Bordin, Gabriella Donà, Chiara Sabbadin, Eugenio Ragazzi, Alessandra Andrisani, Guido Ambrosini, Anna Maria Brunati, Giulio Clari, Decio Armanini (2013) Human Red Blood Cells Alterations in Primary Aldosteronism. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 98(6):2494-501. Impact Factor: 6.430; Quartile in Category: Q1
- Giovanni Sartore, Francesco Piarulli, Eugenio Ragazzi, Silvia Burlina, Nino Cristiano Chilelli, Cristiano Sarais, Raffaella Marina, Enzo Manzato, Domenico Fedele and Annunziata Lapolla (2013) Subclinical diastolic dysfunction in type 2 diabetic patients with and without carotid atherosclerosis: Relationship with glyco-oxidation, lipid-oxidation and antioxidant status. International Journal of Cardiology, 163(2): 201-205. Impact Factor: 6.802; Quartile in Category: Q1
- Laura Molin, Roberta Seraglia, Annunziata Lapolla, Eugenio Ragazzi, Julien Gonzalez, Antonia Vlahou, Joost-Peter Schanstra, Amaya Albala, Mohammed Dakna, Justyna Siwy, Joachim Jankowski, Vasiliki Bitsika, Harald Mischak, Petra Zürbig, Pietro Traldi (2012) A comparison between MALDI-MS and CE-MS data for biomarker assessment in chronic kidney diseases, Journal of Proteomics 75:5888-5897. Impact Factor: 4.088; Quartile in Category: Q1
- Carla Giordano, Monica Montopoli, Elena Perli, Maurizia Orlandi, Marianna Fantin, Fred N. Ross-Cisneros, Laura Caparrotta, Andrea Martinuzzi, Eugenio Ragazzi, Anna Ghelli, Alfredo A. Sadun, Giulia d’Amati, Valerio Carelli (2011) Oestrogens ameliorate mitochondrial dysfunction in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Brain, 11(2):226-35. Impact Factor: 9.49; Quartile in Category: Q1
Research projects and Funds
2000 - 2006: Ex 60% Projects, University of Padova, 15.000 euro - P
Cellular mechanisms of dysfunction in vascular tissue, prostate and heart
2007 - 2012: Ex 60% Projects, University of Padova, 30.000 euro - PI
Pharmacometabolomics for an individualized therapy
2007: Young Grant on Research - Supervisor
Natural products for the discovery of new drugs: pharmacological activity and multivariate analytical approach for new strategies of cancer treatment
2013 - 2015: Ex 60% Projects, University of Padova, 7.000 euro – P
New anticancer drugs
2012: PRAT Research project - P
“Study of cisplatin resistance using transmitochondrial hybrids of cancer cells”
2011-12: Private foundation grant (EOS, Treviso, Italy) – P
Activity of compounds of natural origin in experimental models of degenerative and inflammatory diseases.
2012: PRAT Research project (PI: Laura Caparrotta) – P
Oxidative stress and metabolic reprogramming in cellular models of disease
2014: Young Grant on Pediatric Research - P
The neuronal role of lipids: from molecular function of genes to identification of biomarker in juvenile spastic paraplegia forms