Cristina Marzano
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova Contacts |
Short CV
1991: Degree summa cum laude in Pharmacy,UniversityofPadova
1991-1994: PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Padova (Supervisor: Prof. F. Bordin)
1994-1995: A.I.R.C. (Italian Association for Cancer Therapy,Milan) Fellow.
1997-2013: Assistant Professor of CHIM/08
2014-present: Associate Professor of CHIM/08
Office hours
Mon-Fri: 13.30-14.30
Availability for Thesis Projects
Research topic:“Molecular mechanisms of Anticancer metallodrugs”
Scientific Activities
The research interests are in Medicinal Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology. Presently her work centers on the development of novel anticancer coordination compounds. Special attention is paid to the recognition of the chemical features and molecular mechanisms responsible for the antitumor activity of new metal complexes, by means of suitable animal, cellular and subcellular model systems. The studies aim at the design of novel anticancer agents with improved pharmacological properties in comparison with the reference chemotherapeutic metallodrugs.
She is author of more than 130 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals (h-index: 28, ISI-Web of Science, more than 2700 citations at December 2015).
She is co-inventor of several international and national patents.
- Santini C, Pellei M, Gandin V, Porchia M, Tisato F, Marzano C,(2014) Advances in copper complexes as anticancer agents, Chem Rev. 114, 815-62. IF2014: 46.57
- Gandin V, Porchia M, Tisato F, Zanella A, Severin E, Dolmella A, Marzano C,(2013) Novel mixed-ligand copper(I) complexes: role of diimine ligands on cytotoxicity and genotoxicity., J Med Chem, 56, 7416-30. IF2013: 5.48
- Margiotta N, Marzano C, Gandin V, Osella D, Ravera M, Gabano E, Platts JA, Petruzzella E, (2012) Revisiting [PtCl₂(cis-1,4-DACH)]: an underestimated antitumor drug with potential application to the treatment of oxaliplatin-refractory colorectal cancer, J Med Chem, 55, 7182-92. IF2012: 5.61
- Marzano C, Ronconi L, Chiara F, Giron MC, Faustinelli I, Cristofori P, Trevisan A, Fregona D. (2011) Gold(III)-dithiocarbamato anticancer agents: activity, toxicology and histopathological studies in rodents. Int J Cancer. 15, 487-96. IF2011: 5.44
- Tisato F, Marzano C, Porchia M, Pellei M, Santini C, (2010) Copper in diseases and treatments, and copper-based anticancer strategies, Med Res Rev. 30, 708-49..IF2010: 10.22
2006: Brevetto Nazionale, “Complessi Idrossometilfosfinici di Rame(I) e Loro Impiego Come Antitumorali”. MC2006A000059, Fondazione Carima Associazione Dream-MC.
2008: Brevetto Nazionale, “Dithiocarbamate complexes of gold(III) and their use as antitumor agents”. IT 1347835 B1, Università degli Studi di Padova.
2015: Brevetto Internazionale, “Cu(thp)4]n[X]-n compounds for the treatment of a broad range of human solid tumors, including refractory tumors”. US patent 9,114,149
2015: Brevetto Internazionale, “Method of treating colorectal cancer” US patent 9,220,705 B2
Research projects and Funds
1998-1999: PRIN 1997, MIUR - Italian Ministry of Scientific Research: " Design and synthesis of phototherapeutic drugs" (9703028183_032) (P)
1999-2000: PRIN 2001: MIUR - Italian Ministry of Scientific Research: "Synthesis, characterization and cellular and subcellular mechanisms of action of novel potential chemoterapetic drugs” (2001053898_003) (P)
2000-2001: PRIN 2002: MIUR - Italian Ministry of Scientific Research: "Molecular determinants of topoisomerase I/II poisoning and/or inhibition" (2002033121_006) (P)
2000-2001: Young Researcher Award ,UniversityofPadova: "DNA damage and cell death mechanisms induced by new fuoroumarin derivatives” (cdr. 256, 2000, MURST 1707) (PI)
2002-2003: PRIN 2004: MIUR - Italian Ministry of Scientific Research: "Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel anticancer drugs. Topo I,II poisons and inhibitors and Protein kinase CK2 inhibitors CK2" (2004030405_010) (P)
2002-2003: Società Bracco Imaging SpA (Milano) Research Grant "Phosphine Copper(I) complexes as anticancer drugs” Supervisor
2005-2012: Ex 60% Projects,UniversityofPadova: “Molecular mechanisms of Potential Antitumor drugs” (PI).
2006-2008:UniversityProject-Universityof Padova: "Coordination compounds as anticancer agents: identification of cellular, subcellular and molecular targets” (CPDA065113/06) (PI)
2008-2009: PRIN2007 MIUR - Italian Ministry of Scientific Research: "Design, synthesis, solid state and solution and biological evaluation of copper(I) bioinorganic complexes” (20078EWK9B_002) (RUC)
2009-20010:UniversityGrant-Universityof Padova: " Target specific Antitumor Metallodrugs” (CPDR091503) (PI)
2012-2014: University Project- University of Padova: "Copper Complexes as Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (PTP) Inhibitors: a New Approach to Antimetastatic Drug Discovery” CPDA121973/12 (PI)