Claudia Sissi
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova
Contacts |
Short CV
Born in Venice on 25/08/1966
1991: Degree summa cum laude in Medicinal Chemistry and Technology, University of Padova
1991-1994: PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, at the Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Padova (Supervisor: Prof. M. Palumbo)
1993-1994: visiting scientist at the Dept. of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
1994-2002: Post-Doc at the Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Padova
2002-2004: Technician at the Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Padova
2004-2009: Assistant Professor (CHIM/08)
2009-2015: Associate Professor (CHIM/08)
2015-present: Full Professor (CHIM/08)
Office hours
by appointment only
Availability for Thesis Projects
- Structural characterization of nucleic acid sequences from oncogenic promoter
- Ligands for selective recognitions of non-canonical DNA structures
- Nucleic acid targeting by metal complexes
- Topoisomerases poisons and inhibitors
Scientific Activities
The research is largely focused on the quantitative analysis of the interactions between biological macromolecules (proteins, polysaccharide, nucleic acids) with small ligands presenting potential pharmacological activity. In the most recent years it mainly focused on the characterization of the structural equilibria occurring in DNA sequences that can play relevant roles as signaling elements. This work is implemented by the identification of ligands for these systems as well as by the definition of the binding parameters and binding mode in order to provide a rational for the biological functions.
Currently, several collaborations are ongoing with italian (Dept. of comparative biomedicine and food science, University of Padova; Istituto Tumori of Milano, IIT of Genova, University of Firenze, Trieste, Bologna, Napoli and Catanzaro) and foreign research groups (Universities of London, Southampton and John Innes Center, UK; University of Mississippi and Georgia State University, USA; Cancer Research Center of Marseille; France).
Claudia Sissi is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Current Medicinal Chemistry and Frontiers. She is a member of AACR, ACS and SCI.
In 2013 she won a prize for the set up for a start-up (Start cup veneto) for the production of a kit, based on a novel approach, for the detection of mRNA in biological fluids.
Technical expertise
The main experience concerns spectroscopic and molecular-biology techniques.
In particular:
- Spectroscopic techniques (absorption UV-VIS, fluorescence, circular dichroism)
- Microcalorimetric techniques (ITC)
- Surface Plasmon Resonance
- Electrophoretic techniques (proteins, nucleic acids)
- Nucleic acid manipulation
- Enzymatic assay
- Library screening
- Ghezzo M and Sissi C.*, Structural characterization of a cytosine-rich potential quadruplex forming sequence in the EGFR promoter, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2023,; IF 4.755
- Ceschi S, Berselli M, Cozzaglio M, Giantin M, Toppo S, Spolaore B, Sissi C *(2022) Vimentin binds to G-quadruplex repeats found at telomeres and gene promoters Nucleic Acid Res, 50(3):1370-1381; IF 19.160
- Vesco G, Lamperti M, Salerno D, Marrano CA, Cassina V, Rigo R, Buglione E, Bondani M, Nicoletto G, Mantegazza F, Sissi C*, Nardo L. (2021) Double-stranded flanking ends affect the folding kinetics and conformational equilibrium of G-quadruplexes forming sequences within the promoter of KIT oncogene. Nucleic Acids Res, 49, 9724-9737; IF 19.160
- Ceschi S, Largy E, Gabelica V, Sissi C* (2020) A two-quartet G-quadruplex topology of human KIT2 is conformationally selected by a perylene derivative. Biochimie, 179, 77-84; IF 4.372
- Recagni, M., Greco,M.L., Milelli A., Minarini, A., Zaffaroni, N., Folini, M., Sissi, C.* (2019) Distinct biological responses of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer cells upon exposure to G-quadruplex interacting naphthalenediimide derivatives, Eur J Med Chem, 117, 401-413; IF 7.088
Research projects and Funds
2022-2024 : Principal Invetigator European Union-Next GenerationEU (PNRR M4C2-Investimento 1.4-CN00000041), "Development of new RNA-targeting compounds to modulate RNA function"
2022: Principal Invetigator CERIC (20222139): "NMR-based structural assessment of binding of small-molecules to I-motif structures adopted by C-rich DNA"
2021-2025 : Principal Invetigator AIRC (IG 2021 - ID. 26474) "Vimentin-G-quadruplex repeats complexes as innovative therapeutic target to control cancer progression”
2020: Principal Invetigator CERIC (20202174): "Folding pathway and structural features of minimal oligonucleotides able to fold into I-motif"
2020: Principal Invetigator CERIC (20207052): "Structural characterization of interactions between small molecules and C-rich DNA adopting non-canonical structures"
2019-2020 : Principal Invetigator Progetti di Ricerca di Dipartimento-2019 (CPDA147272/14), "Intermediate filament proteins and G-rich oncogene promoters: a novel perspective to control gene expression"
2019-2021 : Participant STARS-UNIPD (PARO110203/11) "Identification of a new Secondary Structure in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis genome as a potential pharmacological target”
2019: Principal Invetigator CERIC (CPDR151901/15: "Investigation of folding behavior and structural features of human EGFR proximal promoter"
2018 : Principal Invetigator CERIC (CPDA147272/14), "Investigation of folding behavior and structural features of kit* oligonucleotide in the human promoter region of c-kit gene".
2017 : Principal Invetigator Ceric (PARO110203/11) "Structural characterization of G-rich sequences in human promotor region of EGFR gene”
2015-2016: Principal Invetigator Assegni di ricerca – CPDR151901/15: "Conformational switch of EGFR and BRAF oncogene promoter sequences towards non-canonical DNA secondary structures as anticancer treatment"
2014-2015 : Principal Invetigator Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo-2014 (CPDA147272/14), "G-rich regions within proto-oncogene KIT promoter region as targets for anticancer therapy".
2012-2014 : Principal Invetigator Cariparo (PARO110203/11) "Dispositivi Molecolari Selettivi per il riconoscimento di strutture “G-quadruplexes”
2012-2013 : Participant Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo-2011 (CPDA114388): “Targeting cKit espression in canine mast cell tumor”.
2011-2012: Research Unit Coordinator PRIN 2009 (2009MFRKZ8_004): “Dispositivi molecolari diretti verso strutture G-quadruplx: riconoscimento del bersaglio e risposta cellulare”.
2011-2012: Principal Invetigator Assegni di ricerca – 2010 (CPDR108549/10): “Nuove chinossaline ad azione antitumorale”.
2011-2012: Principal Invetigator AIRC – 2010 (CPDR108549/10): “Targeting G-quadruplex structures as potential anticancer approach”.
2009-2014 : Participant FIRB-IDEAS (RBID082ATK): “Nuovi farmaci per la terapia anticancro mirata”.
2008-2012 : Principal Invetigator MPNS COST Action MP0802: “Self-assembled guanosine structures for molecular electronic devices”
2008-2010 : Participant Progetti AIRC: “Novel telomere-targeted chemotherapeutic agents”.
2008-2010 : Research Unit Coordinator Progetti Strategici di Ateneo: “Processi di invasione e metastasi nel cancro: nuovi meccanismi e prospettive terapeutiche”.
2008-2009 : Principal Invetigator Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo-2007 (CPDA078422/07): “Simociclinoni: inibitori delle topo isomerasi caratterizzarti da un innovativo meccanismo d’azione”.
2007-2008 : Participant PRIN 2006 (2006030809_002): “Nuovi derivati chinolonici anti-HIV: screening dell’attività biologica e riconoscimento di acidi nucleici virali”.
2005-2006 : Participant PRIN 2004 (2004037792_004): “Nuovi derivati chinolonici anti-HIV: riconoscimento di acidi nucleici virali e valutazione dell'attività”.
2004-2007 : Participant FIRB: “Glicosamminoglicani antagonisti di elastasi e selettine come farmaci antinfiammatori”. Coordinatore nazionale: Prof. G. Torri
2004-2006 : Participant CEE-STREP, Sixth Framework Programme: “Development of New Gyrase Inhibitors by Combinatorial Biosynthesis”.
2003-2004 : Participant PRIN 2002 (2002038878_003): “Progettazione razionale e approccio alla sintesi di nuovi "veleni" della DNA-topoisomerasi I umana”.
2001-2003 : Participant Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo (PADOVA): “Nuove nucleasi sintetiche: progettazione, reattivita’ ed applicazioni biofarmaceutiche”.
2001-2002 : Participant PRIN 2000: “DNA Topoisomerasi I”.
2001-2002: Participant Regione Veneto – Ricerca sanitaria finalizzata. Titolo della ricerca “Basi molecolari della resistenza/suscettibilità ai fluorochinoloni in Mycobacterium tubercolosis: ricadute diagnostiche e approcci terapeutici”.
1999-2002 : Participant CEE-STREP, Fifth Framework Programme: “Anthracene conjugates as probes of telomere structure and function”.
2004-2015 : Principal Invetigator Ex 60% Projects, University of Padova.