Biodiversity, Bioprospecting and Territories
The aim of the Summer School is to offer lectures and field work with strong multidisciplinary approach related to Biodiversity and the multiple area related to this topic. Lectures will focus on the most relevant aspects of Biodiversity, Bioprospecting and their influence in conservation, management and health. The lectures will be related to some key topics namely
- Biodiversity, Bioprospecting and sustainable development
- Plant biochemistry and innovation in plant sciences
- Bioprospecting, Ethnopharmacology and Drug Discovery
- Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Development Objectives
The Summer School will be held in Padova for the frontal teaching in the unique scenario of Botanical Garden. Field Trip Excursion to mountain (Paluzza, Carnia region), lagoon (Veneto region) will take place in order to observe and have direct experience of different plant species and different territories and territory management.
The international team of speakers are professors from the Thribuvan University of Katmandu (Nepal), Kumamoto University (Japan), Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University of Brno (Czech Republic), Kiel University (Germany), professors from other Italian Universities in collaboration with professors from different departments of the University of Padova.
Assessment and credits
The Summer School requires an overall didactic commitment corresponding to 6 CFU / ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Students who will attend at least 80% of the activities planned by the program and pass the final exam receive a certificate of attendance. The credits obtained with attendance at the Summer School can be recognized in the courses of study and for continuing education according to the regulations in force. Therefore, since each Institute has full freedom of decision on the subject, for the recognition and approval of the credits the university students will have to contact (refer to) their University or their Study Course.
Selection criteria
CV and motivational letter (less than 400 words)
Deadline for application
July 8th 2019 preregistration and fellowhship application.
July 8th 2019 confirmation by fee payment.
Send your CV, your motivational letter and application form (below) to:
Career outlook
• Expert in the management and exploitation of plants for using in pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic products
• Advisory specialist in NGOs, for the development of projects dealing with biodiversity and bioprospiciency
• Expert in crop science with interest in safeguarding biodiversity and managing natural resources.
The accommodation during lessons in Padova is not included in the summer school fees. While the accommodation, in Paluzza during the mountain trip is covered by school fees.
Students can contact hotels or other facilities directly to arrange a room.
More options for accommodation in Padova at:
Please note that our university guesthouse (ESU - Accommodation Office) are normally full in September, but you can still try to contact them and ask for accommodations
Enrolment fees
€ 300.
Students from the Nepal and other SAARC countries can ask for reserved places that will require no fee payment (maximum 5 places).
The fee payment cover the school registration, the participation to school courses, the participation to trip excursion. Costs of excursions, accommodation and meals during excursions (Paluzza excursion in mountains and lagoon excursions) are covered by inscription fees. Fee do not cover accommodation in Padova, travel expenses to Padova.
The payment must be made after the publication of the results and not later than 8 of July according to the indications that will be sent by mail to each partecipant.