Alessandro Dolmella


Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova
via F. Marzolo 5, 35131 Padova - Italy

Current Position
Associate Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry (SSD: CHIM03) 

Phone: +39-049-827-5345
Fax:  +39-049-827-5366

  Short CV

Born in Udine on 15.11.62 

1985: Degree summa cum laude in Pharmacy, University of Padua

1988: One-year research Grant from ICI-Pharma at Alderley Park, Cheshire, UK

1989: One-year research Grant from Industria Farmaceutica Ravizza s.p.a. c/o Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Padua University

Nov. 1989: Visting Scientist c/o University of Lausanne (CH), c/o Prof. Bernard Testa’s laboratory

1992-1993: Visting Scientist c/o Farmitalia Carlo Erba Research Park in Nerviano (MI), Italy, c/o Prof. G. Bolis' laboratory

1990-2006: Assistant Professor of General Inorganic Chemistry (SSD: CHIM03)

2006-present: Associate Professor of General Inorganic Chemistry (SSD: CHIM03)


General and Inorganic Chemistry.

  Office hours

Monday to Friday in the afternoon, usually 15:00 - 16:00, if not involved in other duties.

Students must fix an appointment by e-mailing or phone calling (see fundamental information in Teacher's page).


  Availability for Thesis Projects (in ITALIAN)

Argomento generale delle Tesi Sperimentali: Sintesi, caratterizzazione chimico - fisica di farmaci e radiofarmaci a base metallica.

La disponibilità di spazi di ricerca limitati restringe l'accoglienza a un numero massimo di due internisti contemporaneamente presenti. Scrivere o telefonare al Docente per ulteriori dettagli. Per il corrente a.a. gli spazi sono già saturati; Studenti interessati a futuri internati di tesi devono prendere contatto con il Docente a fine estate 2023.

NOTA BENE: Non si calendarizzano le immissioni all'internato, ma l'accesso è regolato sulla base del 'first come, first taken'.


General Topic for Experimental Theses: Synthesis, physico-chemical characterization of metal-based drugs and radiopharmaceuticals.

The research labs are placed in small rooms, so that it is impossible to host more than two internship Students in a given time window. Students must e-mail or phone the Teacher to know more. In this a.a. the lab is already full; interested Students must get in touch with the Teacher starting with the end of summer 2023.

NOTICE: In this research group we don't book in advance internships slots; the access is granted on the basis of 'first come, first taken'.

Argomenti per Tesi Compilative possono essere resi disponibili di volta in volta, secondo la disponibilità di materiale pertinente (vedi testo seguente).

Topics for non-experimental Theses may be available from time to time (see text below).

Ottobre 2019: Sono stati resi disponibili al Docente dei materiali per possibili Tesi Compilative nel CdLM in FARMACIA aventi come oggetto la raccolta, la sistematizzazione e la classificazione di una consistente mole di dati di assistenza clinica ad un portatore di patologia di Alzheimer, rilevanti dal punto di vista farmacoeconomico, clinico, dell'uso di medical devices. 

Febbraio 2020: Come ulteriore possibile variazione di quanto già sopra riportato, si può valutare la possibilità di utilizzare parte del materiale per sostanziare una Tesi Sperimentale nel CdLM in FARMACIA, avente come oggetto la validazione di un prototipo di medical device per la somministrazione in regime di osmolarità controllata di soluzioni complesse destinate alla nutrizione di pazienti portatori di stomia. Il prototipo di dispositivo consente di controllare il flusso e la viscosità in uscita in uscita della miscela complessa. La misura dei dati sperimentali dovrà avvenire in collaborazione con altri Docenti del Dipartimento.

Gli Studenti interessati sono pregati di prendere contatto con il Docente.


Coordination Chemistry.

Bioinorganic chemistry of metals of Groups 7, 11 (and others) of PT.

Radiopharmacy of metal-based SPECT and PET imaging/therapeutics/Theranostics agents.

Computational Chemistry.

Chemical Crystallography.

  Scientific Activities

Research activity
Synthesis and structural investigation of new biologically relevant bioinorganic coordination compounds based on transition metals (mainly of Groups 7, 11) via single crystal (and occasionally powders) X-ray diffractometry; synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of metal-based radiopharmaceuticals (both radiodiagnostics and radiotherapics) harboring radionuclides mainly (but not exclusively) belonging to Groups 7, 11, 13, with special emphasis on brain, hearth and tumor imaging. Other interests involve modelling as well as investigation of conformational and electronic properties of compounds via semiempirical, HF and DFT calculations; SAR e QSAR analysis and further X-ray diffractometry analyses. Ultimate goal: development of bioinorganic compounds for clinical applications. 

Services to the Community
Embodied in the Referee panel for the journals Inorganica Chimica Acta, Polyhedron, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Journal of Molecular Structure, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 

Member of the Italian Chemical Society (S.C.I.); member of Italian Crystallography Association (A.I.C.). 

Institutional committees (C.C.S. Pharmacy, C.C.S. Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies, Council of Department); member of the Resources and Development Commission of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences (Coordinator: Prof. C. Sissi).

  Technical expertise

Crystallography of transition metal/organometallic coordination complexes; design, synthesis, physico-chemical and biological characterization of metal-based radiopharmaceuticals; radiolabelling of biologically relevant compounds; biodistribution studies of radiopharmaceuticals; molecular imaging.

Computational chemistry of small molecules at empirical, semi-empirical and DFT level.

Especially relevant facilities
Single-crystal (and potentially powders), ‘Enhance’ double-source Mo and Cu four-circle (kappa geometry) CCD area detector X-ray diffractometer Gemini EOS (Rigaku/Oxford Diffraction); date of installation: end of 2009 (fundings: 2008 University budget for large instrumentation); beginning of activity: 2010

  Positions available

None to date


Latest most relevant publication:

Metal Doping of Au25(SR)18– Clusters: Insights and Hindsights
Wenwen Fei, Sabrina Antonello, Tiziano Dainese, Alessandro Dolmella, Manu Lahtinen, Kari Rissanen, Alfonso Venzo, and Flavio Maran
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2019), 141, 40, 16033–16045.
doi: 10.1021/jacs.9b0822


None to date.

  Research projects and Funds


2015-present: DOR projects fundings, University of Padova, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, total < 2.000 euro/year.


PRID 2022 (as participant) project entitled: "TheranosticCopper Complexes in Prostate Cancer (THERACuPROST)". Total Budget: 30.000 euros.